Just One Day

By Jolie Montlick

Just one Day when you walk through the door I look into your eyes and you say no more But I love you, oh yeah I do Just one Day call me Baby But everytime I see you you say hey hey Cause I know that you won’t walk away

You are the sunshine of my day Your make everything ok Cause when your with me I know I can say That I love you, and You know its true That I love you

I remember that day when I met you at the beach I wanted you to love me I guess I got lucky Baby I was thinking we could be together forever and ever, and I know that you were thinking the same thing about me

You are the sunshine of my day Your make everything ok Cause when your with me I know I can say That I love you, and You know its true That I love you

When I see you. I know we are meant to be. But When I walk and hold hands, with you, I feel the love Baby

You are the sunshine of my day Your make everything ok Cause when your with me I know I can say That I love you, and You know its true That I love you

Copyright 2025, Jam Rockz Publishing, LLC